Our all-members meetings have large turnouts, with between 60 and 70 attending.
There are lots of useful presentations and demonstrations at these meetings, but there is little time for members to get advice on their particular problems or to show something they are working on.
So we rented a hall in Prestwick for fortnightly Friday afternoons, where members can meet on a more informal basis. This has proven very successful, with between 20 and 30 members turning out for the two hour session. £1 entrance covers both the hall rental and tea/coffee.
The sessions run from 2pm to 4pm, in the 65 Club, 65 Main St, Prestwick (contact us if you need directions).
Members gather round a number of tables where all sorts of issues are covered.
This has included turntables, kit building, directional loco lights, programming DCC accessory decoders and sound decoders, cheap laptops, CAD software, Dupont crimps, opto-isolators, power supply demos, suggestions for the wiring of a member's new layout, a DIY Faller substitute, component testers, wireless cameras, fixing power supplies, looking at members' kits that needed attention ... and much more.
It is also an ideal opportunity just to meet and chat with other members.